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The Gift Shop

At Full Body Healings we use a hand-picked line of products — and now you can take them home with you! Unprocessed, animal friendly and of the highest quality, the products we use can make you feel good about feeling good! All of our products are available for purchase at discounted prices on-site.

Swedish Massage

Massage Oil


Soothe your aching muscles and mind with our Massage Oil. This product has everything you need to boost your energy levels, and feel fresh and revitalized after each use. You will feel rejuvenated with our Massage Oil, ready to take on the world. Take home yours today.

Pressure point massage 1

Exfoliating Salt


With our Exfoliating Salt, your life will never be the same. Our Exfoliating Salt will awaken your senses and renew your soul. This Full Body Healings product is the perfect addition to your home spa experience. You will feel ultimate relaxation after using this product, and feel ready to tackle anything that your week may bring you.


Healing Crystals


Soothe your aching muscles and mind with our Full Body Healing Crystals. Crystals act as a power hold for healing as they allow positive, fruitful energy to flow into the body and do away with the negative, toxic energy. Like other forms of alternative therapy, crystals work by channelizing your energy levels, thereby, focus on healing the inside of the body.

Spa Essentials

Charcoal (Z) 


Our Body Wash has the ability to absorb dirt and excess oil from your skin. It's more effective than a cleanser that doesn't contain charcoal because those cleansers only remove dirt and oil from the surface. Charcoal digs deep inside pores to lift out the gunk, leaving your skin as clean as possible.

Products: Products
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